Returnsdatabase - table - Content of database.json
local database = exports.msk_handcuffs:getDatabase()
Get content of a specific Player from database
Parametersidentifier - The identifier of a Player
Returnsdata - table - Content of database.json
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
local data = exports.msk_handcuffs:getPlayerFromDatabase(xPlayer.identifier)
data.isCuffed -> boolean
data.cuffItem -> string or nil
data.isHardcuffed -> boolean
data.hardcuffItem -> string or nil
data.isAdminCuffed -> boolean
data.hasAnkleTracker -> boolean
data.hasHeadbag -> boolean
data.hasTape -> boolean
Check if a specific player is handcuffed or not
Parametersplayer - table - specific Player
ReturnsisHandcuffed - boolean - If the Player is handcuffed or not
local isHandcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsPlayerHandcuffed({source = playerId})
local isHandcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsPlayerHandcuffed({identifier = playerIdentifier})
local isHandcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsPlayerHandcuffed({player = xPlayer})
-- You can also use this:
Check if a specific player is hardcuffed or not
Parametersplayer - table - specific Player
ReturnsisHardcuffed - boolean - If the Player is hardcuffed or not
local isHardcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsPlayerHardcuffed({source = playerId})
local isHardcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsPlayerHardcuffed({identifier = playerIdentifier})
local isHardcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsPlayerHardcuffed({player = xPlayer})
-- You can also use this:
Check if a specific player has an Ankletracker or not
Parametersplayer - table - specific Player
ReturnshasAnkletracker - boolean - If the Player has an Ankletracker or not
local hasAnkletracker = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerAnkleTracker({source = playerId})
local hasAnkletracker = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerAnkleTracker({identifier = playerIdentifier})
local hasAnkletracker = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerAnkleTracker({player = xPlayer})
-- You can also use this:
Check if a specific has a Headbag or not
Parametersplayer - table - specific Player
ReturnshasHeadbag - boolean - If the Player has a Headbag or not
local hasHeadbag = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerHeadbag({source = playerId})
local hasHeadbag = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerHeadbag({identifier = playerIdentifier})
local hasHeadbag = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerHeadbag({player = xPlayer})
-- You can also use this:
Check if a specific has a Tape or not
Parametersplayer - table - specific Player
ReturnshasTape - boolean - If the Player has a Tape or not
local hasTape = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerTape({source = playerId})
local hasTape = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerTape({identifier = playerIdentifier})
local hasTape = exports.msk_handcuffs:gethasPlayerTape({player = xPlayer})
-- You can also use this: