
Functions - Clientside


Register Client Callback (MSK.Trigger)

MSK.Register("Callback_Name", function(playerId, arg1, arg2, ...)
    return ...

-- Example
MSK.Register("msk_testing:clientCallback", function(source, a, b, c)
    print(source, a, b, c)
    return a, b, c

-- As an Export:
expoorts.msk_core:Register("msk_testing:clientCallback", function(source, a, b, c)
    print(source, a, b, c)
    return a, b, c


Trigger Server Callback (MSK.Register)

local data = MSK.Trigger("Callback_Name", ...)

-- Example
local a, b, c = MSK.Trigger("msk_testing:serverCallback:1", '123', '456', '789')
print(a, b, c)

-- As an Export:
local a, b, c = expoorts.msk_core:Trigger("msk_testing:serverCallback:1", '123', '456', '789')


Trigger Server Callback (MSK.Register)

local data = MSK.TriggerCallback("Callback_Name", ...)

-- Example
local a, b, c = MSK.TriggerCallback("msk_testing:serverCallback:2", '123', '456', '789')
print(a, b, c)

-- As an Export:
local a, b, c = expoorts.msk_core:TriggerCallback("msk_testing:serverCallback:2", '123', '456', '789')


It's the same as the Native RegisterCommand but it will check if the player has AcePermission.

MSK.RegisterCommand('your_command', function(source, args, raw)
    -- Do something here
end, true --[[true = ace check; false = no ace check]])

-- As an Export:
expoorts.msk_core:RegisterCommand('your_command', function(source, args, raw)
    -- Do something here
end, true --[[true = ace check; false = no ace check]])


Show a Notification. You can use farbcodes like: ~g~


Parameters title - string - Title message - string - Message Text info - string - Optional - Default: general time - number <miliseconds> - Optional - Default: 5000

MSK.Notification(title, message, info, duration)

-- Example
MSK.Notification('Title', 'This is a Notification', 'general', 5000)

-- As an Export:
exports.msk_core:Notification(title, message, info, duration)


Show a Help Notification

Parameters text - string - Text


-- Example
MSK.HelpNotification('Press ~g~E~s~ to open')

-- As an Export:


Show a Picture Notification

Parameters text - string - Text title - string - Title subtitle - string - Subtitle icon - string - Optional - Default: CHAR_HUMANDEFAULT flash - boolean - Optional - Default: true icontype - number - Optional - Default: 1

-- flash and iconType are optional
MSK.AdvancedNotification(text, title, subtitle, icon, flash, icontype)

-- Example
MSK.AdvancedNotification('This is a Notification', 'Title', 'Subtitle', 'CHAR_HUMANDEFAULT', true, 1)

-- As an Export:
exports.msk_core:AdvancedNotification(text, title, subtitle, icon, flash, icontype)


Draw a 3D Text (size and font is optional)

Needs to be executed every frame!

Parameters location - table <x, y, z> / vector3 - Location text - string - Text size - number - Optional - Default: 1 font - number - Optional - Default: 0

MSK.Draw3DText(location, text, size, font)

-- Example
local location = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
MSK.Draw3DText(location, 'This is the Label Text', 1, 0)
MSK.Draw3DText(location, 'This is the Label Text')

-- As an Export:
exports.msk_core:Draw3DText(location, text, size, font)


Draw Generic Text.

Needs to be executed every frame!

Parameters text - string - Text outline - boolean - Text Outline font - number - Text Font - Optional, default: 0 size - float - Text Size - Optional, default: 0.34 color - table <r, g, b, a> - Text Color - Optional, default: white position - string - Text Position on the Screen - Optional, default: bottom center

MSK.DrawGenericText(text, outline, font, size, color, position)

-- Example
local color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
local position = {width = 0.50, height = 0.90}
MSK.DrawGenericText('Test', true, 0, 0.34, color, position)

-- As an Export:
exports.msk_core:DrawGenericText(text, outline, font, size, color, position)


Checks if you have the item in your inventory (only for ESX or QBCore)

Parameters itemName - string - The item name

Returns hasItem - table <name, label, count> - If the player has the item

local hasItem = MSK.HasItem(itemName)

-- Example
local hasItem = MSK.HasItem('bread') -- returns: name, label, count
print(, hasItem.label, hasItem.count)

-- As an Export:
local hasItem = exports.msk_core:HasItem(itemName)


Get the PedMugshot from a specific Ped.

Parameters playerPed - number - The Player Ped transparent - boolean - Transparent Background

local mugshot, mugshotStr = MSK.GetPedMugshot(playerPed, transparent)
UnregisterPedheadshot(mugshot) -- You have to call this to delete the unregister the mugshot after use

-- Example
local mugshot, mugshotStr = MSK.GetPedMugshot(PlayerPedId(), true)
MSK.AdvancedNotification('Message', 'Title', 'Subtitle', mugshotStr)

-- As an Export:
local mugshot, mugshotStr = exports.msk_core:GetPedMugshot(playerPed, transparent)


Shows a text at the center-bottom. You can use farbcodes like: ~g~


Parameters text - string - The message text duration - number <miliseconds> - Duration in miliseconds - Optional: default: 8000

MSK.Subtitle(text, duration)

-- Example
MSK.Subtitle('This is a Subtitle by ~g~MSK Scripts~s~', 8000)

-- As an Export:
exports.msk_core:Subtitle(text, duration)


Shows a Loading Spinner at the right-bottom


Type 4

Type 5

Parameters text - string - The message text typ - number - The Spinner Type - Optional: default: 4 duration - number <miliseconds> - Duration in miliseconds - Optional: default: 5000

MSK.Spinner(text, typ, duration)

-- Example: Orange Spinner
MSK.Spinner('This is a Spinner by MSK Scripts', 4, 8000)
-- Example: White Spinner
MSK.Spinner('This is a Spinner by MSK Scripts', 5, 8000)

-- As an Export:
exports.msk_core:Spinner(text, typ, duration)

Last updated