Shows a progressbar. color is optional and can be set in config.lua.
Parametersduration - number <miliseconds> - The time in miliseconds
text - boolean - Text
color - string - Color as hex - Optional
MSK.Progress.Start(duration, text, color)-- Example 1MSK.Progress.Start(5000, 'Progressing...') -- default color set in config.luaWait(5000)-- Example 2MSK.Progress.Start(5000, 'Progressing...', "#5eb131") -- custom colorWait(5000)-- As an Export:exports.msk_core:Progressbar(duration, text, color)
Progressbar with specific data
Parametersdata - table - Data for Progressbar
ReturnsprogressEnd - boolean - if progress has ended or progress was stopped
duration - number <miliseconds> - The time in miliseconds
text - boolean - Text
color - string - Color as hex - Optional
animation - table - Animation data - Optionaldisable - table - Disable specific actions - Optional
MSK.Progress.Start(data)-- ExampleMSK.Progress.Start({ duration =5000, text ='Progressing...', color ="#5eb131", -- Optional canCancel =true, -- If the Player can cancel the Progressbar useWhileDead =false, -- Cancel the Progressbar on player death useWhileCuffed =false, -- Cancel the Progressbar if player gets cuffed animation = { dict ='timetable@gardener@filling_can', anim ='gar_ig_5_filling_can', flags =49, -- Optional }, disable = { move =true, -- Disable Walk vehicle =true, -- Disable drive combat =true, -- Disable combat }})print('Progressbar ended or canceled')-- As an Export:exports.msk_core:Progressbar(data)
Stops the current ProgressBar.
MSK.Progress.Stop()-- As an Export:exports.msk_core:ProgressStop()
Checks if the Progressbar is active
ReturnsisActive - boolean - whether the Progressbar is active
local isActive = MSK.Progress.Active()-- As an Export:local isActive = exports.msk_core:ProgressActive()