Parametersitem - string - The Item with which the player gets cuffed - Optional player - player - The target Player that gets cuffed - Optional
DescriptionIf item is nil then the Script will check the correct item from Config.RestrictItems if it's enabled or it will cuff the Player without an item (isAdminCuffed)
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:cuff', source, item, player)
-- The player next to your player gets cuffed // Read Description
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:cuff', source)
-- The player next to your player gets cuffed with item cuffs
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:cuff', source, 'cuffs')
-- closestPlayer gets cuffed // Read Description
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:cuff', source, nil, GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
-- closestPlayer gets cuffed with item cuffs
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:cuff', source, 'cuffs', GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
Hardcuff a player
Parametersitem - string - The Item with which the player gets hardcuffed - Optional player - player - The target Player that gets hardcuffed - Optional
DescriptionIf item is nil then the Script will check the correct item from Config.RestrictItems if it's enabled or it will hardcuff the Player without an item (isAdminCuffed)
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:hardcuff', source, item, player)
-- The player next to your player gets hardcuffed // Read Description
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:hardcuff', source)
-- The player next to your player gets hardcuffed with item hardcuff
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:hardcuff', source, 'hardcuff')
-- closestPlayer gets hardcuffed // Read Description
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:hardcuff', source, nil, GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
-- closestPlayer gets hardcuffed with item hardcuff
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:hardcuff', source, 'hardcuff', GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
Uncuff a player
It will check if the item is correct or not to uncuff someone.
Parametersitem - string - The Item with which the player gets uncuffed - Optional player - player - The target Player that gets uncuffed - Optional
DescriptionIf item is nil then the Script will check the correct item from Config.RestrictItems if it's enabled or it will uncuff the Player without an item (isAdminCuffed)
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:uncuff', source, item, player)
-- The player next to your player gets uncuffed // Read Description
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:uncuff', source)
-- The player next to your player gets uncuffed with item cuff_keys
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:uncuff', source, 'cuff_keys')
-- closestPlayer gets uncuffed // Read Description
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:uncuff', source, nil, GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
-- closestPlayer gets uncuffed with item cuff_keys
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:uncuff', source, 'cuff_keys', GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
Activate/Deactivate an Ankletracker for a player
Parametersplayer - player - The target Player - Optional
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setAnkletracker', source, player)
-- The player next to your player
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setAnkletracker', source)
-- Specific player
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setAnkletracker', source, GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
Activate/Deactivate a Headbag for a player
Parametersplayer - player - The target Player - Optional
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setHeadbag', source, player)
-- The player next to your player
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setHeadbag', source)
-- Specific player
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setHeadbag', source, GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
Activate/Deactivate a Tape for a player
Parametersplayer - player - The target Player - Optional
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setTape', source, player)
-- The player next to your player
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setTape', source)
-- Specific player
TriggerClientEvent('msk_handcuffs:setTape', source, GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))