playerId - number - PlayerId of the player
command - string - check for ace permission for this command
ReturnshasAcePerm - boolean - whether the Player has Ace Permission for the given Command
local hasAcePerm = MSK.IsAceAllowed(playerId, command)
-- Example
local hasAcePerm = MSK.IsAceAllowed(1, 'your_command')
-- As an Export:
local hasAcePerm = exports.msk_core:IsAceAllowed(playerId, command)
principal - string - Principal
ace - string - ace perm
local isAllowed = MSK.IsPrincipalAceAllowed(principal, ace)
-- Example
local isAllowed = MSK.IsPrincipalAceAllowed('group.admin', 'command.your_command')
-- As an Export:
local isAllowed = exports.msk_core:IsPrincipalAceAllowed(principal, ace)
principal - number/string - Principal to add for
ace - string - ace perm to add
allow - string - 'allow' or 'deny' - Optional, default: 'allow'
MSK.AddAce(principal, ace, allow)
-- Example 1 -> Adds command permission for group admin
MSK.AddAce('admin', 'command.your_command')
-- Example 2 -> Adds command permission for playerId 1
MSK.AddAce(1, 'command.your_command')
-- As an Export:
exports.msk_core:AddAce(principal, ace, allow)
principal - number/string - Principal to remove for
ace - string - ace perm to remove
allow - string - 'allow' or 'deny' - Optional, default: 'allow'
MSK.RemoveAce(principal, ace, allow)
-- Example 1 -> Removes command permission for group admin
MSK.RemoveAce('admin', 'command.your_command')
-- Example 2 -> Removes command permission for playerId 1
MSK.RemoveAce(1, 'command.your_command')
-- As an Export:
exports.msk_core:RemoveAce(principal, ace, allow)