
Lib functions for MSK Scripts


The Import Method is already integraded in our Scripts, so if you use a script from us you don't need to add the import.

You can add the following to the fxmanifest.lua to get MSK

shared_script '@msk_core/import.lua'

After that you can use all functions like:

MSK.Notification(title, message, info, duration)

Ace Permission

For the functions MSK.AddAce and MSK.AddPrinicpal add the following to your server.cfg

add_ace resource.msk_core command.add_ace allow
add_ace resource.msk_core command.remove_ace allow
add_ace resource.msk_core command.add_principal allow
add_ace resource.msk_core command.remove_principal allow

Nice to know

All functions can be called with an export too.

exports.msk_core:Notification(title, message, info, duration)

Last updated