

Check if a value contains in a table

Parameters tbl - table - The Table to check value - string/table - The Value/s to check

Returns contains - boolean - Whether the value contains in the table

local tbl = {'value_1', 'value_2'}

-- Checks if the value contains in the table
local contains = MSK.Table.Contains(tbl, 'value_1')

-- Checks if one of the values contains in the table
local contains = MSK.Table.Contains(tbl, {'value_1', 'value_5'})

-- As an Export:
local contains = exports.msk_core:TableConatins(tbl, value)


Dumps the given table to a readable string with a tree structure.

Parameters tbl - table - The Table that should be dumped

Returns text - string - The formatted text of the given table

local tbl = {
  ['test'] = {name = 'test', action = '123'},
  test2 = {name = 'test2', action = 456},


-- Output:
  ["test"] = {
    ["action"] = '123',
    ["name"] = test,
  ["test2"] = {
    ["action"] = 456,
    ["name"] = test2,

-- As an Export:
local number = exports.msk_core:TableDump(table, value)


Get the size of the table

Parameters tbl - table - The Table that should be checked

Returns size - number - The size of the table

local tbl = {
  ['test'] = {name = 'test', action = '123'},
  test2 = {name = 'test2', action = 456},

local size = MSK.Table.Size(tbl) -- Output: 2


Find a specific value in a index table

Parameters tbl - table - The Table that should be checked

Returns index - number? - The index of the given value value - number/string/table - The value of the given value

local index, value = MSK.Table.Find(tbl, value)

local tbl = {
  [1] = {'123'},
  [2] = {456},

local index, value = MSK.Table.Find(tbl, '123') -- Output: 1, '123'
local index, value = MSK.Table.Find(tbl, 456) -- Output: 2, 456
local index, value = MSK.Table.Find(tbl, 'Hello World') -- Output: nil, 'Hello World'

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