

Generate a Random String

Parameters length - number - The Length of the string

Returns text - string - The Text of the given length

local text = MSK.String.Random(length)

-- Example
local text = MSK.String.Random(3) -- abc
local text = string.upper(MSK.String.Random(3)) -- ABC

-- As an Export:
local text = exports.msk_core:GetRandomString(length)


Checks if the given string start with the given string

Parameters text - string - Text that should be checked letter - string - Letter to search for

Returns startsWith - boolean - Whether the text starts with the given letter

local text = 'Hello'
local startsWith = MSK.String.StartsWith(text, 'H') -- Returns true
local startsWith = MSK.String.StartsWith(text, 'e') -- Returns false

-- As an Export:
local text = exports.msk_core:StartsWith(text, letter)


Removes SPACEs in a string

Parameters text - string - Text that should be trimmed hardtrim - boolean - All spaces will be trimmed - Optional

Returns trimmed - string - The trimmed text

local trimmed = MSK.String.Trim(text, hardtrim)

-- Example
local text = ' Hello World '

-- Removes leading and trailing spaces
MSK.String.Trim(text) -- Output: 'Hello World'

-- Removes ALL spaces
MSK.String.Trim(text, true) -- Output: 'HelloWorld'

-- As an Export:
local text = exports.msk_core:Trim(text, hardtrim)


Splits a string into two different strings

Parameters text - string - Text that should be splitted delimiter - string - Delimiter where should the text be splitted

Returns result - table - Includes the splitted string

local text = 'license:12345678'
local result = MSK.String.Split(text, ':')
print(result[1], result[2]) -- Output: license, 12345678

-- As an Export:
local result = exports.msk_core:Split(text, delimiter)

Last updated