playerId - number - Players server id
key - string - The key that needs to be pressed
text - string - Text
color - string - Color as hex - Optional, default: '#5eb131'
MSK.TextUI.Show(playerId, key, text, color)-- Example 1: default colorMSK.TextUI.Show(playerId, 'E', 'Press ~g~E~s~ to interact')-- Example 2: specific colorMSK.TextUI.Show(playerId, 'E', 'Press ~g~E~s~ to interact', '#5eb131')-- As an Export:exports.msk_core:ShowTextUI(playerId, key, text, color)
Hide the TextUI
playerId - number - Players server id
MSK.TextUI.Hide(playerId)-- As an Export:exports.msk_core:HideTextUI(playerId)