
Functions - Serverside


Register Server Callback (MSK.Trigger)

MSK.Register("Callback_Name", function(source, arg1, arg2, ...)
    return ...

-- Example
MSK.Register("msk_testing:serverCallback:1", function(source, a, b, c)
    print(source, a, b, c)
    return a, b, c

MSK.Register("msk_testing:serverCallback:2", function(source, cb, a, b, c)
    print(source, a, b, c)
    cb(a, b, c)
    print('Have fun!')


Trigger Client Callback (MSK.Register)

local data = MSK.Trigger("Callback_Name", source, arg1, arg2, ...)

-- Example
local a, b, c = MSK.Trigger("msk_testing:clientCallback", source, '123', '456', '789')
print(a, b, c)


Discord Webhook

Parameters webhook - string - The Discord Webhook Link color - string - Color for the Embed Message botName - string - The name of the bot botAvatar - string - Bot Avatar Link title - string - The Embed Message Title description - string - the Embed Message fields - table - Fields footer - table <text, link> - Embed Message Footer time - string - Time in the footer

If you don't want to use f.e. footer then set footer = false to deactivate the footer.

MSK.AddWebhook(webhook, botColor, botName, botAvatar, title, description, fields, footer, time)

-- Example
webhook = "",
botColor = "6205745", --
botName = "MSK Scripts",
botAvatar = "",
title = "MSK Scripts - Webhook Script",
description = "Test Beschreibung",
fields = {
    {name = "Title", value = 'Description', inline = true},
    {name = "Title", value = 'Description', inline = true},
footer = {
    text = "© MSK Scripts", 
    link = ""
time = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" -- format: "day/month/year hour:minute:second"


Show a Notification. You can use farbcodes like: ~g~


Parameters source - string/number - The Player Server ID title - string - Title message - string - Message Text info - string - Optional - Default: general time - number <miliseconds> - Optional - Default: 5000

MSK.Notification(source, title, message, info, duration)

-- Example
MSK.Notification(source, 'Title', 'This is a Notification', 'general', 5000)


Shows a Picture Notification

Parameters source - string/number - The Player Server ID text - string - Text title - string - Title subtitle - string - Subtitle icon - string - Optional - Default: CHAR_HUMANDEFAULT flash - boolean - Optional - Default: true icontype - number - Optional - Default: 1

-- flash and iconType are optional
MSK.AdvancedNotification(source, text, title, subtitle, icon, flash, icontype)

-- Example
MSK.AdvancedNotification(source, 'This is a Notification', 'Title', 'Subtitle', 'CHAR_HUMANDEFAULT', true, 1)


Checks if you have the item in your inventory (only for ESX or QBCore)

Parameters itemName - string - The item name

Retuns hasItem - table <name, label, count> - If the player has the item

local hasItem = MSK.HasItem(xPlayer, item)

-- Example
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) -- ESX
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source) -- QBCore
local hasItem = MSK.HasItem(xPlayer, 'bread') -- returns: name, label, count
print(, hasItem.label, hasItem.count)


Get the Player from PlayerId, Identifier, CitizenId or Phone. This works for ESX and QBCore.

Parameters playerData - table <source, identifier, citizenid, phone> - Player Data

Retuns Player - table - The PlayerData

local xPlayer = MSK.GetPlayer({source = playerId})
local xPlayer = MSK.GetPlayer({identifier = playerIdentifier})
local xPlayer = MSK.GetPlayer({citizenid = playerCitizenId})
local xPlayer = MSK.GetPlayer({phone = 123456789}) -- Only QBCore


Get all the Players on the server.

Parameters key - string - Optional value - string - Optional

Retuns Players - table <key, Player> - The PlayerData

local Players = MSK.GetPlayers() -- returns all players on the server
local Players = MSK.GetPlayers('job', 'police') -- returns only players with that specified job
local Players = MSK.GetPlayers('gang', 'bloods') -- returns only players with that specified gang *(Only QBCore)*
local Players = MSK.GetPlayers('group', 'admin') -- returns only player that have the group/permission 'admin'


Create a Cronjob

Parameters date - table <w, d, h, m, atD, atH, atM> - The datetime when the cron will be executed data - any - You can set you own data to use it later when executing

Retuns uniqueId - number - UniqueId of the Cronjob data - any - Your data from parameters date - table <d, h, m> - The current Datetime

-- Will be executed every minute
MSK.CreateCron({m = 1}, 'Cronjob executed at', function(uniqueId, data, date)
    print(data) -- Output: 'Cronjob executed at'
    print('Day: ' .. date.d, 'Hour: ' .. date.h, 'Minute: ' .. date.m)

-- Will be executed every hour
MSK.CreateCron({h = 1}, 'Cronjob executed at', function(uniqueId, data, date)
    print(data) -- Output: 'Cronjob executed at'
    print('Day: ' .. date.d, 'Hour: ' .. date.h, 'Minute: ' .. date.m)

-- Will be executed every day
MSK.CreateCron({d = 1}, 'Cronjob executed at', function(uniqueId, data, date)
    print(data) -- Output: 'Cronjob executed at'
    print('Day: ' .. date.d, 'Hour: ' .. date.h, 'Minute: ' .. date.m)

-- Will be executed every day at 18:30
MSK.CreateCron({atH = 18, atM = 30}, 'Cronjob executed at', function(uniqueId, data, date)
    print(data) -- Output: 'Cronjob executed at'
    print('Day: ' .. date.d, 'Hour: ' .. date.h, 'Minute: ' .. date.m)

-- Will be executed every monday at 18:30
MSK.CreateCron({atD = 1, atH = 18, atM = 30}, 'Cronjob executed at', function(uniqueId, data, date)
    print(data) -- Output: 'Cronjob executed at'
    print('Day: ' .. date.d, 'Hour: ' .. date.h, 'Minute: ' .. date.m)


Deletes a specific Cronjob

Parameters uniqueId - number - The UniqueId of the Cronjob

Retuns success - boolean <true/false> - If the Cronjob Id was found and deleted.

local success = MSK.DeleteCron(uniqueId)

Last updated