

Parameters coords - vector3 - Coords - Optional, default: playerCoords

Returns vehicle - number - A vehicle handle distance - float - The Distance to this vehicle

local vehicle, distance = MSK.GetClosestVehicle(coords)

if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) and distance <= 2.5 then
    -- Do something with this vehicle

-- As an Export:
local player, distance = exports.msk_core:GetClosestVehicle(coords)


Parameters coords - vector3 - Player Coords maxDistance - float - Max distance to check for vehicles - Max Distance is 200.0

local vehicles = MSK.GetClosestVehicles(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), 25.0)

-- As an Export:
local player, distance = exports.msk_core:GetClosestVehicles(coords, maxDistance)


Get the Vehicle in front of the player

Returns vehicle - int - A vehicle handle coords - vector3 - The vehicle coords distance - float - The distance between the vehicle and the player

local vehicle, coords, distance = MSK.GetVehicleInDirection()

-- As an Export:
local vehicle, coords, distance = exports.msk_core:GetVehicleInDirection()


Get whether the vehicle is empty or not

Parameters vehicle - int - A vehicle handle

Returns isVehicleEmpty - boolean - whether the vehicle is empty or not

local vehicle, coords, distance = MSK.GetVehicleInDirection()
local isVehicleEmpty = MSK.IsVehicleEmpty(vehicle)

-- As an Export:
local isVehicleEmpty = exports.msk_core:IsVehicleEmpty(vehicle)


Parameters vehicle - int - A vehicle handle

Returns label - string - Label of the vehicle

local label = MSK.GetVehicleLabel(vehicle)

-- As an Export:
local label = exports.msk_core:GetVehicleLabel(vehicle)

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