
Exports - Clientside


Get the current Object attached to the local player

Parameters key - string - The current object key name

Retuns object - entity - The entity that is attached to the local player or nil if nothing is attached

local object = exports.msk_handcuffs:getObjectState(key)

-- Example
local object = exports.msk_handcuffs:getObjectState('cuffObject')
local object = exports.msk_handcuffs:getObjectState('uncuffObject')
local object = exports.msk_handcuffs:getObjectState('ankletrackerObject')
local object = exports.msk_handcuffs:getObjectState('headbagObject')
local object = exports.msk_handcuffs:getObjectState('tapeObject')


Check if a player is handcuffed or not

Parameters player - table - This is options and only for other players

Retuns isHandcuffed - boolean - If the Player is handcuffed or not

-- Self
local isHandcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsHandcuffed()

-- Self: You can also use this
local isHandcuffed = LocalPlayer.state.isHandcuffed

-- Other Players
local isHandcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsHandcuffed({source = targetId})


Check if a player is hardcuffed or not

Parameters player - table - This is options and only for other players

Retuns isHardcuffed - boolean - If the Player is hardcuffed or not

-- Self
local isHardcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsHardcuffed()

-- Self: You can also use this
local isHardcuffed = LocalPlayer.state.isHardcuffed

-- Other Players
local isHardcuffed = exports.msk_handcuffs:getIsHardcuffed({source = targetId})


Check if a player has an Ankletracker or not

Parameters player - table - This is options and only for other players

Retuns hasAnkletracker - boolean - If the Player has an Ankletracker or not

-- Self
local hasAnkletracker = exports.msk_handcuffs:getHasAnkletracker()

-- Self: You can also use this
local hasAnkletracker = LocalPlayer.state.hasAnkletracker

-- Other Players
local hasAnkletracker = exports.msk_handcuffs:getHasAnkletracker({source = targetId})


Check if a player has a Headbag or not

Parameters player - table - This is options and only for other players

Retuns hasHeadbag - boolean - If the Player has a Headbag or not

-- Self
local hasHeadbag = exports.msk_handcuffs:getHasHeadbag()

-- Self: You can also use this
local hasHeadbag = LocalPlayer.state.hasHeadbag

-- Other Players
local hasHeadbag = exports.msk_handcuffs:getHasHeadbag({source = targetId})


Check if a player has a Tape or not

Parameters player - table - This is options and only for other players

Retuns hasTape - boolean - If the Player has a Tape or not

-- Self
local hasTape = exports.msk_handcuffs:getHasTape()

-- Self: You can also use this
local hasTape = LocalPlayer.state.hasTape

-- Other Players
local hasTape = exports.msk_handcuffs:getHasTape({source = targetId})


Cuff a player

Parameters item - string - The Item with which the player gets cuffed - Optional player - player - The target Player that gets cuffed - Optional

Description If item is nil then the Script will check the correct item from Config.RestrictItems if it's enabled or it will cuff the Player without an item (isAdminCuffed)

exports.msk_handcuffs:cuffPlayer(item, player)

-- The player next to your player gets cuffed // Read Description
-- The player next to your player gets cuffed with item cuffs
-- closestPlayer gets cuffed // Read Description
exports.msk_handcuffs:cuffPlayer(nil, closestPlayer)
-- closestPlayer gets cuffed with item cuffs
exports.msk_handcuffs:cuffPlayer('cuffs', closestPlayer)


Hardcuff a player

Parameters item - string - The Item with which the player gets hardcuffed - Optional player - player - The target Player that gets hardcuffed - Optional

Description If item is nil then the Script will check the correct item from Config.RestrictItems if it's enabled or it will hardcuff the Player without an item (isAdminCuffed)

exports.msk_handcuffs:hardcuffPlayer(item, player)

-- The player next to your player gets hardcuffed // Read Description
-- The player next to your player gets hardcuffed with item hardcuff
-- closestPlayer gets hardcuffed // Read Description
exports.msk_handcuffs:hardcuffPlayer(nil, closestPlayer)
-- closestPlayer gets hardcuffed with item hardcuff
exports.msk_handcuffs:hardcuffPlayer('hardcuff', closestPlayer)


Uncuff a player

It will check if the item is correct or not to uncuff someone.

Parameters item - string - The Item with which the player gets uncuffed - Optional player - player - The target Player that gets uncuffed - Optional

Description If item is nil then the Script will check the correct item from Config.RestrictItems if it's enabled or it will uncuff the Player without an item (isAdminCuffed)

exports.msk_handcuffs:uncuffPlayer(item, player)

-- The player next to your player gets uncuffed // Read Description
-- The player next to your player gets uncuffed with item cuff_keys
-- closestPlayer gets uncuffed // Read Description
exports.msk_handcuffs:uncuffPlayer(nil, closestPlayer)
-- closestPlayer gets uncuffed with item cuff_keys
exports.msk_handcuffs:uncuffPlayer('cuff_keys', closestPlayer)


Activate/Deactivate an Ankletracker for a player

Parameters player - player - The target Player - Optional


-- The player next to your player
-- Specific Player


Activate/Deactivate a Headbag for a player

Parameters player - player - The target Player - Optional


-- The player next to your player
-- Specific Player


Activate/Deactivate a Tape for a player

Parameters player - player - The target Player - Optional


-- The player next to your player
-- Specific Player

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