Event Handlers

All Event Handlers for msk_handcuffs


This will be triggered every time something happens. You can use this Event Handler Clientside and Serverside.

Parameters item - string - The Item with which the player gets cuffed - Optional player - player - The target Player that gets cuffed - Optional

AddEventHandler('msk_handcuffs:handler', function(playerId, targetId, action, item)
    if action == 'cuff' then
        logging('debug', ('ID %s was cuffed by ID %s with Item %s'):format(playerId, targetId, item or 'no_item_found'))
    elseif action == 'hardcuff' then
        logging('debug', ('ID %s was hardcuffed by ID %s with Item %s'):format(playerId, targetId, item or 'no_item_found'))
    elseif action == 'uncuff' then
        logging('debug', ('ID %s was uncuffed by ID %s with Item %s'):format(playerId, targetId, item or 'no_item_found'))
    elseif action == 'ankletrackerOn' then
        logging('debug', ('ID %s has activated the Ankletracker on ID %s'):format(playerId, targetId))
    elseif action == 'ankletrackerOff' then 
        logging('debug', ('ID %s has deactivated the Ankletracker on ID %s'):format(playerId, targetId))
    elseif action == 'headbagOn' then 
        logging('debug', ('ID %s has put on a Headbag on ID %s'):format(playerId, targetId))
    elseif action == 'headbagOff' then 
        logging('debug', ('ID %s has put off a Headbag on ID %s'):format(playerId, targetId))

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