Event Handler - Serverside
Entering Vehicle
Will be called when entering a vehicle
plate - string
- Plate of the vehicle
seat - number
- Steat of the vehicle the player is entering
netId - number
- Vehicles NetworkId
isEngineOn - boolean
- whether the engine is on or off
isDamaged - boolean
- whether the vehicle is damaged or not
Entered Vehicle
Will be called when entered a vehicle
plate - string
- Plate of the vehicle
seat - number
- Steat of the vehicle the player has entered
netId - number
- Vehicles NetworkId
isEngineOn - boolean
- whether the engine is on or off
isDamaged - boolean
- whether the vehicle is damaged or not
Exited Vehicle
Will be called when exited a vehicle
plate - string
- Plate of the vehicle
seat - number
- Steat of the vehicle the player has exited
netId - number
- Vehicles NetworkId
isEngineOn - boolean
- whether the engine is on or off
isDamaged - boolean
- whether the vehicle is damaged or not
Last updated