
All Events and Exports for msk_banking

You need msk_core! - Download it here

  1. Upload the msk_banking folder.

  2. Insert ensure msk_banking in your server.cfg

  3. Please configure the config.lua before starting the Script!

  4. Add the items you configured in config.lua to your inventory or database

  5. Restart your Server.

The SQL will be created automatically.


Please go to es_extended/server/classes/player.lua line ~168. You have to see this: function self.setAccountMoney(accountName, money)

Please add the following lines as you can see at the picture if it's not already added:

TriggerEvent('esx:setAccountMoney', self.source, accountName, money)
TriggerEvent('esx:addAccountMoney', self.source, accountName, money)
TriggerEvent('esx:removeAccountMoney', self.source, accountName, money)


Please go to esx_addonaccount/server/main.lua

If you don't have a function like the following then please redownload esx_addonaccount from ESX Github and replace all files!!!

function AddSharedAccount(society, amount)
    if type(society) ~= 'table' or not society?.name or not society?.label then return end
    -- = job_name/society_name
    -- society.label = label for the job/account
    -- amount = if the shared account should start with x amount

    -- addon account:
    local account = MySQL.insert.await('INSERT INTO `addon_account` (name, label, shared) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', {, society.label, 1
    if not account then return end

    -- if addon account inserted, insert addon account data:
    local account_data = MySQL.insert.await('INSERT INTO `addon_account_data` (account_name, money) VALUES (?, ?)', {, (amount or 0)
    if not account_data then return end
    -- if all data inserted successfully to sql:
    SharedAccounts[] = CreateAddonAccount(, nil, (amount or 0))


If you want to use Societyaccounts, then please add all jobs to Config.Society so that the script works as expected :)

Bankcard Prop

If you want to use a Bankcard Prop, we already integrated a script for that! Just download the prop and set the following config option to true. If you don't want to use it, set it to false.

Config.Animation = {
    useBankcardProp = true

You will need this:

Last updated